AGM - Proposed Motions and Board Vacancy Reminder

AGM - Proposed Motions and Board Vacancy Reminder

Posted by on 7 September 2015

This is a friendly reminder to the Snow Sports New Zealand Board and Members of Snow Sports NZ that an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Snow Sports NZ will be held commencing at 4:00pm on Friday 9 October 2015. The meeting will take place at the Snow Sports NZ Office at, 78 Anderson Road, Wanaka (unless notified otherwise before 9 September 2015).

Proposed Motions

Any proposed motions (including alterations to the Constitution) and other items of business from Members and/or the Board of Snow Sports NZ must be received in writing by the Chief Executive by 4:00pm on Wednesday 9 September 2015.

Board Vacancies

There are two vacancies on the Board of Snow Sports NZ as a result of the terms of office expiring for Richard Leggat and Michelle Trapski, one of these vacancies is for an Elected Board Member position, the other Appointed. 

Applications for these vacant Board member positions must be received at the registered office of Snow Sports NZ by 4.00pm on Wednesday 9 September 2015.  Application forms can be found online here.

Quorum, Delegates & Proxy Voting

Under Rule 22.13 of the Constitution, no less than 5% of Members entitled to vote are required to be present to meet the quorum for the AGM.

Those Members entitled to vote include members 16 years of age and over who are Competitive Members, Recreational Members and the Chairperson (but only for the purposes of a casting vote).

Proxies and votes by Electronic Voting do not count towards the quorum.

In addition, each Club that is of Good Standing and each Associate Member may elect or appoint a Delegate to represent it at the AGM.  Such Delegates have the right to speak but not to vote at the AGM.  The names of such Delegates attending the AGM must be forwarded in writing to the Chief Executive by 4.00pm on Wednesday 7 October 2015.

If a Member entitled to vote chooses to exercise their vote by appointing a Proxy to attend the AGM, the Member must sign a Proxy Form. Proxy voting forms must reach the Chief Executive no later than 4.00pm Friday 9 October 2015.

If a Member entitled to vote chooses to exercise their vote by casting a Postal or Electronic Vote, they must do so on the prescribed voting form/system and this must reach the Returning Officer no later than 5pm on Wednesday 7 October. Electronic voting will be available via the website from 5pm on Friday 18 September 2015 until 5pm Wednesday 7 October 2015. Nomination forms, postal voting forms and proxy forms can be downloaded from About Us on the website.


The Returning Officer for the AGM will be: Jo Lynch, P. O. Box 395, Wanaka 9343 If you have any questions please call 03 443 4085.

9 years ago